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"Come enjoy the work of some of my students as they learn to visualize, draw, paint and appreciate the fine art of painting."

Shawn Farley Black

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Faux Van Gogh's at Palos Verdes Art Center

The Starry Night
Vase with 12 sunflowers

This past Friday Zoe and I went to a wonderful art exhibit called "About Van Gogh" at the Palos Verdes Art Center in Rancho Palos Verdes. A small venue that made it perfect for a budding art student.  Out of the norm, this show is a collection of oil paintings done by unknown artists after famous Van Gogh paintings such as 'The Starry Night'. and a few Van Gogh self portraits, along with some other pieces I have long forgotten.
  You can really appreciate Van Gogh's brush work and his use of lines, dots and swirls. They also had a demo on how he did his 'Sunflower' pieces.
  Inspired.  Zoe has now started her own version of 'Starry Night' in oil on canvas.  
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