Welcome to Miss Shawn's Studio.

"Come enjoy the work of some of my students as they learn to visualize, draw, paint and appreciate the fine art of painting."

Shawn Farley Black

Monday, June 14, 2010

Working out a still-life

Dr. S has started a still-life, coffee and tea cup (I'm not sure it that will be the title of the piece but for now it will do).  We set up the still life by the window for lighting.  Then began laying out the composition in charcoal on tracing paper.  Dr. S is very exact and takes time in getting every line correct which I most admire.  It makes laying in the painting so much easier.  You can also see the colors we choose for this piece.  Basically a color range of 4 hues.  Ochre going into a deep blue blackWorking on glass makes it easier to clean up.

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